FloMax® Hydrogen: Designed specifically for optimized wash water corrosion control in hydroprocessing units

FloMax® Hydrogen: Designed specifically for optimized wash water corrosion control in hydroprocessing units

A typical challenge in our industry is found in scrubbing chlorides from the effluent vapor. 
Most installations use quills with no spray nozzles, or they use standard conventional spray nozzles. Neither of these are adequate for efficient scrubbing of the chlorides, because most of the water ends up on the walls of the pipes and enters the REAC in an asymmetrical distribution.

The most efficient wash water injection will maximize the surface area of water injected, which will then maximize chloride scrubbing potential. This allows for not only better contact with the chlorides but also for more uniform distribution of the wash water through the piping system and REAC inlets.
State of the art technology has been developed that uses a slipstream of makeup hydrogen as a secondary fluid in a two-fluid spray nozzle. The FM-H is a specially engineered and patented spray nozzle, which has been designed and tested specifically for use in hydroprocessing units

Video Comparación FloMax

Watch the video to see how injection technology compares

Vídeo de pulverización FloMax H

Watch the FloMax® H Video

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